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TV Advertising Tip 9: It's not about you; it's about your customer




Hello, welcome. My name is Jonathan Rolley, from APAC's leading performance advertising agency, based in Melbourne, Direct Response Media. This is topic nine for creating better TV strategies and results. Topic nine is, 'It's Not About You'.

So sorry to burst your little bubble - advertising is not about you; it's about your customer. So when you're making decisions about mediums and placements especially, a lot of people we see, they go, 'Who watches that program?' or 'Why would you watch that? No one watches that type of thing,' and they're making judgement calls on their own experience, whether it's who watches breakfast TV or who watches that channel. 'No one watches that channel,' and they're making decisions on their own experience rather than the potential customer they're looking to engage. So all decisions should be made on who is your customer and where can they be found and then, once you've got that in place, then measuring everything that goes live to see if that environment is actually working for you. Test and test and test again. There is pure gold to be found by testing different environments. You don't win them all. You've got [unclear 1:20] testing knowing that you're gonna lose three or four times and maybe have a success, but when you get that success, you've just found an awesome medium that you can leverage from here on in, that's got a really high prospect position and you know that is invaluable so it's not about you today; it's about your customer.

So thank you for tuning into Rolley's Rant. I appreciate it and I look forward to chatting soon.

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