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TV Advertising Tip 7: DRTV is a science



Hello, welcome. My name is Jonathan Rolley from APACs leading performance marketing agency, Direct Response Media. Thank you for tuning in. Today's topic, topic number seven, for creating better TV strategy is that direct response TV (DRTV) and TV advertising in general is a science. There are specific ways that you can generate a high response rate and you need your metrics, but ultimately there's a methodology to deliver the outcome. Everything needs to be measured and optimised. If you do not have your measurements in place, especially in today's connected world, you're way behind the eight ball. You're flying blind and you're probably making emotional decisions, not decisions backed on data. We all know emotional decisions are often not the best ones.

a man with his hands clasped behind his head looking at a chalkboard with sales statistics written on it

So before you start a campaign, make sure you've got your structure outlined. Make sure your testing matrix is there, make sure that if you've got creative you're building creative. You've got 4-6 different types of creatives and variations in that, because small changes to creative can have dramatic impacts on response rate and ultimately lower your cost proposition and cost per acquisition. Measure which creatives are actually delivering a better result and optimise accordingly.

So yes, direct response in TV advertising, as a whole, is a science, whether you're an e-commerce site and you're driving people online, whether you're driving people to a call centre and even a retail store. In today's society, everybody's connected to their mobile device and then jumping online before they visit a retail outlet to look at your product range to see if they're going to invest the time and go to your location and, 'hey this is the right fit, the price points are okay,' but also to find your address. So you can actually measure that direct impact of the spot going live, going to your website, where the income is, the phone number or rates are up. So you want to measure all those different things.

TV advertising is very much a science. If you don't have your tools and metrics in place to measure your response rates, (please refer to Multichannel Media Attribution & Analytics), I would strongly suggest that. There's been massive leaps and bounds over the last couple of years in this area. If you'd like to know more, please feel free to drop us a line and we'd be happy to share some knowledge with you. Thanks for tuning in. This has been Rolley's Rant. Have a fantastic day. Much love to you all and we'll see you next time.

If you're open to discovering how Direct Response TV (DRTV) secrets from a leading Melbourne advertising agency can drastically improve your lead generation and ROI from TV advertising, please download our FREE e-book now. 

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