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Undivided Media & Attention


drtv advertising agency tv advertising

TV Advertising Tip 2: Awareness is fleeting, experience is enduring

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drtv advertising agency tv advertising

Tip 1: TV advertising is primarily an auditory medium

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drtv advertising agency tv advertising

TV Advertising Tip 5: Immediacy is king

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drtv advertising agency tv advertising

TV Advertising Tip 6: Test first and second

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drtv advertising agency tv advertising

TV Advertising Tip 3: No one likes a tease

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Direct Response TV Performance Based Advertising drtv

Comparing DRTV to Traditional TV Advertising

Okay, so you're ready to advertise your product or service? Developing a TV ad might be the first thing that jumps to mind, but not all commercials are created equally. Understanding the difference between traditional and DRTV advertising...

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Direct Response TV drtv

What Is a DRTV Advertising Campaign?

There is a fair chance that most Australians have heard of the George Foreman Grill, the NutriBullet and Proactiv – and the reason is Direct response TV advertising, also known as As Seen On TV infomercials.

Direct response TV campaigns...

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Direct Response TV Performance Based Advertising drtv

How Qualitative Research Can Maximise Your TV Advertising Budget

Qualitative research helps to identify consumer behaviour and media habits for advertisers and it compliments data analytics to develop a robust and accurate profile on potential customers. This information takes the guesswork and...

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Direct Response TV Performance Based Advertising drtv

10 Ways to Get the Most from TV Advertising

A client recently asked us for a summary of how they can get the most out of TV advertising. We thought that this was a great question and that it is well worth sharing the answer with the wider audience, so we’ve listed 10 ways to make...

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