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TV Advertising Tip 5: Immediacy is king


Welcome. Thank you for tuning into Rolley's Rant. This is tip number five. This is all about how immediacy is king.

In the world of TV advertising, you think about the environment you're in. The majority of people are actually sitting on their couch consuming their media. They may be doing their ironing, so their TV is on in the background; they may be in the kitchen cooking; they may be playing with the kids. It's kind of the background entertainment. They may also be really actively involved in consuming content.

So the beautiful thing about TV advertising is the environment it's in. It's within the four walls of your house and in today's society, with the majority of people counting on a mobile device or having very easy access to some sort of way to connect to the internet, if you show them something that is of interest or you're solving a problem for them, they will take immediate action. So this is amazing for a couple of different reasons. The spot goes live, it's successful and it works, you'll get action immediately on the back of it. You don't have to wait for future dates to actually get a ROI. You get ROI from day dot, which is huge and it's one of the only mediums where you can actually do that.

The other thing about this environment is that they're not in a rush. They're in their home environment. They're happy to take three or four or five minutes out to do a little bit of research. If your TV ads are compelling enough and you solve a problem for a consumer or show them a benefit, they will log online as they've got three or four minutes; they're not in the car rushing to work and listening to the radio. You know they're not scampering around on the train going through their mobile device, chatting to people on Facebook or Instagram and that type of thing. You know they're happy to take five minutes to explore what your product or service may be and that's where you can actually get lead generation. You can get a sale. You can have an experience with your brand. So it's incredibly important to understand the environment for viewing TV advertising and why today, in our experience, it is still the number one ROI medium for mass scale if you have the right tools, methodology and technology in place to measure what's going on.

So thank you for tuning in. This has been Rolley's rant from APAC's leading TV advertising agency. I hope you found it useful and I look forward to chatting with you next time.

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