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Media Monday - September 21



This week’s Media Monday rundown dives into what’s happening with TV – the impact of covid-19 on audiences and revenue and what this could mean for you and your brand.  

Keep reading for your weekly media landscape update…

With the latest insights from Half One just being released, this week’s focus is on TV audiences and demographics. As we know everyone in Australia has been impacted by Covid-19 – which has been a blessing and a curse for TV networks.

The blessing: Audiences are well up.

However, Revenue has been well down.


Main insights and learnings

total hours consumed linear tv

TV audiences have increased by nearly 6% from half two 2019 and a 2.2 percent increase year on year. The first time TV audiences have seen an increase in sometime.


co-viewing linear t

Close to 60% of people watch TV in Solace with just over 40% co-viewing or viewing with other people

Time spent viewing linear TV by demographic.

time spent on linear tv

    • 35 to 49-year-old segments watch nearly 64hours of TV a month- just over 2 hours a day. With 90% of this viewing happening on linear TV.
    • The 50+ demo are watching over a hundred hours a week.
    • Teens-35 year-olds are watching nowhere near as much TV, with just over 30minutes a day on average.


How many people does TV reach each and every day, week, month.

Linear TV reach
    • TV every day, reaches 56% of the metro population, equally over 10 million Aussies
    • Weekly, it jumps to 76%t of the Australian population
    • Monthly, it hits just under 90% of all Australians tuning into TV


What has been happening with BVOD as a result of covid-19

BVOD overall consumption trend

Hours of BVOD consumption have nearly doubled from the start of the year. at these hours per week. They've nearly doubled from the start of the year.

We are now pushing 20 million hours being consumed each week - a big jump from12.


BVOD consumptions trend by view type

As you can see, On Demand is dominating this consumption and if we look at consumption types.  

BVOD consumption trend by device type

It’s clear connected TV is the dominant device we’re consuming BVOD on. This is great news for advertisers as the larger the canvas the greater the advertising impact on memory encode.

If we have a look at which demographics are viewing BVOD…

BVOD viewing  demographic profiles

  • Females drastically over index, especially the 25 to 54 year-old segment.


As you can see TV networks have grown their audience, however, have been absolutely decimated by covid in terms of revenue.

Revenues have been down 30 to 50% depending on the network.

As we move into October it's a very different story. Revenues are down just 5-10% year-on-year as advertising dollars continue to flow back into TV. That means if you're looking to buy or get live with a the campaign, avails is super tight. It's really hard to get quality inventory away right now.


That's media Monday. That's it for me until next time Jonathan Rowley signing out.