Undivided Media & Attention

5 Call-To-Action Tips for High-quality Leads

Written by Undivided | Jun 17, 2021 4:17:43 AM


Calls-to-action (CTA) are the secret sauce to driving people to your offers. If your CTAs aren’t effective at capturing people’s attention and persuading them to click, then it makes the offer useless.

CTAs can be used on product pages, in display ads, email, social media, direct mail and pretty much anywhere you can market your offer.

In a world where every brand is fighting for consumers' attention, it’s critical that prospects choose your offer over your competitors. Here are 5 call-to-action tips for high-quality leads:


#1 Make Your CTA Visible 

It may seem obvious, but you would be surprised how many brands miss the mark by burying their CTA. Calls-to-action do best “above the fold” - the space where your web page is visible to the user without having to scroll down. According to heat map analysis, anything “below the fold” will only be viewed by 50% of people who visit your page. Doubling impressions on your CTAs can significantly increase your lead count.

#2 Clarity Trumps Persuasion


Marketers will often put more focus on being clever than clear. Be crystal clear about what offer is in your CTA. You have to be very specific about what you are providing and in what form. If you’re giving away a free guide, say “Download our FREE guide to X.” If you’re hosting a free webinar say, “Register for our FREE webinar on X.” X should clearly convey a compelling benefit of receiving the offer. This is much more effective than “Download Now” or “Get a Free Article.” These simply aren’t specific enough.


#3 Contrast With Colour And Design  

A call-to-action is meant to stand out. If your CTA blends in too much with your site design, no one will notice it. You want as many eyeballs to land on that call-to-action as possible, so use contrasting colours to make the CTA stand out. More importantly, use design to make it clear that it is a clickable call-to-action.

#4 Link To A Landing Page

Calls-to-action are meant to send visitors to a dedicated landing page where they receive a specific offer. Do not use CTAs to drive people to your homepage. Even if your CTA is about your brand or product (and perhaps not an offer like a download), still send them to a targeted landing page that is relevant to what they are looking for. If you have the opportunity to use a CTA, send them to a page that will convert them into a lead.

#5 Convert From A Thank You Page

Even if someone completes a form on your website (thus they’ve converted as a lead), don’t stop there. Increasing engagement is also a top priority for marketers so that prospects turn into loyal fans. Once someone reaches a “thank you page”, the page that a visitor arrives on after completing a form, use that space as an opportunity to promote more offers and content.


Want to learn more about the lead generation process? We have an entire ebook of tips and tricks to help you through every stage of building your lead generation model. 

Contact us to find out how we can help you with lead generation!