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5 TikTok Tips Your Business Should Know About


Have you heard the word ‘TikTok’ thrown around the marketing sphere but never really looked deeper? Maybe you’ve created a couple of videos but haven’t developed a strategy? Online users are spending more time on TikTok than Facebook and Instagram, so now is the time to create an account and try your hand at going viral! Here are five TikTok tips users implement to make their content go viral: 


Tiktok tips


#1 Find your niche 

There are five main streams of content on TikTok—humour, aesthetic, information, talent and emotion. Creating a specific style of content and aiming that content towards a target audience will help your video have higher engagement. One of our biggest TikTok tips is the more niche your video is, the better. Your homepage on TikTok is split between the Following page—that shows videos from everyone your account is following, and a ‘For You Page’—which is a split between content from people you are following and content the algorithm recommends to you. The more a user spends time on TikTok, the more specific the algorithm will get, meaning niche content has every chance of showing up on people's up. 


Tiktok tips


#2 Choose your sound

The second big TikTok tip is, the sound you use in your video is very important. Using a trending sound or song will help other users find your video either through clicking on the sound and seeing other videos that have used that or through seeing trending sounds via TikTok's Discover page. Using trending sounds will boost your chances of being viewed and ending up on someone's fyp, and in turn engagement. In order to see what sounds are trending, head to your discover page get some ideas. However, if you have some juicy content that works with your original audio, go ahead! You never know what might go viral! 


Tiktok tips


#3 Trending, trending, trending!


It’s not just sounds that can go viral! Our third TikTok tip is that hashtags and video effects can also be trending. On your discover page, look for trending hashtags and effects—overlays that go over your video to distort or enhance the visual, to incorporate into your content schedule. This might mean getting a little creative!


Tiktok tips

#4 Be Original

Even if you are using someone's sound or a trending hashtag or effect, it is still important to be original. Another of our TikTok tips is that users can see right through a brand's overly-produced branded content. Being authentic to your brand and creating original content will help you stand out from the crowd and find a gap in the market. Get creative—create a competition, start a trend! Change up how you release content as well—releasing content in parts will keep your audience engaged and encourage your audience to follow you to wait for the next part. Just don’t wait too long in between videos.  


Tiktok tips


#5 Engagement

Hot Tiktok tip— the platform is all about engagement! Liking and commenting on other people’s content will help users discover your account. Often the comments section is more interesting than the video itself, and comments often go viral! Get creative when replying to comments on your content. Replying with a video means your video can land on someone’s fyp, and that user is more likely to go and view the original content. Another way of engaging with users is by dueting their video. This is where you live react to their content in video form, and it is attached alongside the original content. Often duets attract more views than the original video, so get creative with your engagement. 

It’s not too late to integrate these TikTok tips into your digital strategy, to tap into new audiences and increase brand awareness. Remember to pick your category and sound carefully, utilise trending features, be original and engage with other users.


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