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3 Tips for Getting Your First Digital Marketing Job


Getting your first job in digital marketing straight out of university can be an incredibly daunting time in your life. You’ve been thrown out into the big wide world with no job prospects and 30 connections on LinkedIn. Now's the time to hone your experience, build your network and demonstrate your passion! Employers are looking for more than previous full-time experience, and now’s the time to market yourself as a product to the marketing industry in three easy steps: 

Digital Marketing Skills

#1 Experience

A question you see on 99% of job applications is asking if you have any experience in the marketing industry. You may be thinking, how can I have any experience, this is my first “real” job out of university. But experience can come in all shapes and sizes. Have you been an intern? Or maybe you’ve completed relevant university projects you are particularly proud of. There are also so many free courses online that allow you to upskill in areas such as SEO and data analysis. There are also so many other soft skills that aren’t experiential that you can nail and emphasise—such as organisation and timeliness. At the end of the day you are proving that you know what the job involves in the real world, and no one is expecting you to know everything.

#2 Network

You know the saying—”it’s not what you know, it’s who you know”, they were on to something. A great way to make connections that may lead to employment is networking with people in the marketing industry. 85% of positions in the workforce are filled through networking, and 70% of people find positions through a connection in a company. Another way to network is to look at your digital presence—on platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. Ask yourself—would you want to hire yourself? Analyse how you will be an asset to an employer, and be a top performer in your desired job role. Another great way to do this is to research the company you are applying to. Think of yourself as a product you are trying to sell as a marketer—why should they hire you over someone else.

Digital Marketing Role

#3 Passion 


It’s one thing to learn about digital marketing, it’s another thing to love it. What ways are you demonstrating to your future employers that you love digital marketing? Are you taking the initiative to learn and grow as a marketer by consuming podcasts, books and articles? Are you following industry leaders on social media that you aspire to be like? Keeping up to date with the latest digital trends online is a great way to upskill and keep yourself learning. Show you want to be the best digital marketer your future employer has ever seen.

With experience, a strong network and a lot of passion, no one can tell you that you aren’t qualified for that marketing position.


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